Govt. College Bhoranj Tarkwari, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh

Co-Educational Institution, Affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University Shimla,
Accredited by NAAC, Ministry of HRD Govt. of India
GC Bhoranj

Economics Department

The Department of Economics, Government College Bhoranj, established in the year 2002 is widely recognized for the academic as well as co-curricular growth of its students. The department is a vibrant learning ground that focuses on giving its students a good theoretical understanding while giving a thorough grounding in statistical and econometric skills.

A distinctive feature of the Department is the ready accessibility of its faculty to students. The emphasis is on learning and not just on memorizing. Students have to write term papers, give presentations, solve problems, appear in open-book examinations, etc. In the process, there is continuous evaluation and students with academic difficulties have the opportunity to resolve their problems. Thus, the department prioritizes the academic interests of its students and is student-centric. Our focus is to prepare learners for higher studies as well as research in the field of economics and public policy.


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INDIAN ECONOMY 2023-24   Download
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MONEY AND BANKING 2023-24   Download
PUBLIC FINANCE 2023-24   Download
ECONOMETRICS 2023-24   Download
MACROECONOMICS 2023-24   Download
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Department of Economics 2023-24   Download
Course (UG) (DSC/DSE/SEC)Course NameCourse CodeCourse Description/OutcomeCommon Teaching Methods
Type of MethodResponse
UG (DSC) Principles of Micro-Economics-I ECONA101 This course is designed to expose the student to the basic principles of Microeconomic Theory and illustrate the same with applications. The students are expected to learn the simple relationships in the theories of consumption, production, cost, and revenue. Chalk & Talk Method[Yes/No] yes
G (DSC) Principles of Micro-Economics-II ECONA102 This is a sequel to Principles of Microeconomics–which I covered in part – I. The objective of the course is to further the understanding of the student to achieve conceptual clarity. ICT Tools [If Yes Give Name] Yes (ppt presentations)
UG (DSC) Principles of Macro-Economics-I ECONA201 This course introduces students to the basic concepts in Macroeconomics. In this course, the students are introduced to the definition, and measurement of macroeconomic variables such as GDP, consumption, savings, investment, and balance of payments. The students are expected to understand the concepts of national income and the theories of income and employment. E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
UG (DSC) Principles of Macro-Economics-II ECONA202 In this course, the students are introduced to the definition, and measurement of macroeconomic variables such as GDP, consumption, savings, investment, and balance of payments. This course is expected to develop skills in economic reasoning. This vital skill is expected to help them understand and solve aggregate economic problems. Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name] Yes (Google Meet)
UG (SEC) Economics of Rural Development ECONA204 This course is designed to instill in the student a deeper understanding of rural development and the issues therein. The student is expected to also achieve an appreciation of institutional efforts aimed at achieving rural development and the student will learn about the dynamics of the rural economy. College Library [Yes/No] Yes
UG (SEC) Demography ECONA206 The main objective of this paper is to make the students aware of the importance of population in economic development and the various theories that explain the growth of population. The student will understand the population–development nexus. Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
UG (DSE) Indian Economy, ECONA301/314 This course is designed to enable students to have in-depth knowledge of various problems and issues faced by the Indian Economy. The course will concentrate on both the achievements and the issues of the economy. The students are expected to have a good understanding of issues and prospects of the Indian economy.
UG (DSE) Development Economics ECONA305/315 This course reviews major trends in aggregate economic indicators in India and places these against the backdrop of major policy debates in India in the post-independence period. The students are expected to develop an interrelated approach to resource use.
UG (SEC) Public Finance, ECONA310 This course is a non-technical overview of government finances with special reference to India. The course does not require any prior knowledge of economics. It will look into the efficiency and equity aspects of the taxation of the center, states, and local governments and the issues of fiscal federalism and decentralization in India. The course will be useful for students aiming towards careers in the government sector, policy analysis, and business.
UG (SEC) Money and Banking, ECONA311 This course exposes students to the theory and functioning of the monetary and financial sectors of the economy. It highlights the organization, structure, and role of financial markets and institutions. It also discusses interest rates, monetary management, and instruments of monetary control. Financial and banking sector reforms and monetary policy with special reference to India are also covered. The course does not require any prior knowledge of economics.

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Time Table 2023-24   Download
  VPO-Kanjian, Teh-Bhoranj, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh

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