Govt. College Bhoranj Tarkwari, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh

Co-Educational Institution, Affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University Shimla,
Accredited by NAAC, Ministry of HRD Govt. of India
GC Bhoranj

Commerce Department

Name of the Department: COMMERCE
Year of establishment: 2002
Names of Programs/Courses offered: B.Com(Pass Course)
Annual/Semester/Choice-Based Credit System (program-wise): Annual
Number of teaching posts :

Designation Sanctioned Filled
Assistant Professors 02 02

Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, and experience

Name Qualification Designation Specialization Teaching Experience
Mr.Pawan Kumar M.Com, M.Phil. M.B.E., NET, SLET Assistant Professor Accounting and Finance 15 years
Dr. Nikhil Kumar M.Com, M.Phil, PhD, NET(JRF), SET Assistant Professor Accounting and Finance 06 years

Student Teacher Ratio (program-wise):

Level of Study Ratio
B.Com(General) 36:1


a. Publication per faculty:
b. Number of papers published in peer-reviewed journals (National/International):
(b1) National,
(b2) International
c. Chapters in Books
d. Books with ISBN with details of publishers:
e. Seminar/Conference (National & International)
f. Faculty Development Programmes

Faculty a c d e f
Mr. Pawan Kumar 01 ---- --- 15 07
Mr. Nikhil Kumar 03 --- --- 07 03

Student profile program-wise:

Name of the Course/Program Applications received selected students enrolled
B.COM. 1st Year 27 27 14 13
B.COM. 2nd Year 37 37 21 16
B.COM. 3rd Year 11 11 09 02

Diversity of students :

Name of the Course % of students from the same State % of students from other State % of students from abroad
B.COM 97.33 2.67 -----

Details of infrastructural facilities:

We have established a departmental library where the complimentary copies provided by the different publishers, personal books, and publications of the faculties are kept for the use of the students and faculty members.

Internet facilities for staff and students :

We have a dedicated internet facility in the faculty room.

Classrooms with ICT facility :

  • 02 Normal Class Rooms
  • One Smart Classroom
  • Internet facility

Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning :

  • Traditional lecture method
  • Practical classes

Pawan Kumar

Assistant Professor (Commerce)

View Profile
Nikhil kumar

Assistant Professor (Commerce)

View Profile
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Introduction of Choice-Based Credit System 2013

  • To provide the best knowledge and skills to students in the field of commerce and management.
  • To develop life skills through value-based education
  • To link teaching & learning practices of commerce with a real-life situation.
  • To provide value and need-based education to empower employability.
  • To introduce Post Graduate Course
Course (UG and PG) (DSC/DSE/AECC/GE/SEC)Course NameCourse CodeCourse OutcomeCommon Teaching Methods
Type of MethodResponse
DSC FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING BC 1.1 To be able to recognize and apply the fundamental concepts of financial accounting to business needs. Chalk & Talk Method[Yes/No] YES
DSC BUSINESS ORGANISATION & MANAGEMENT BC 1.2 To develop management skills among the students ICT Tools [If Yes Give Name] YES PPTs
DSC BUSINESS LAW BC 1.3 To be able to identify relevant legal issues related to business. E-Resources [If Yes Give Name] Inflibnet, E-books, 
DSC BUSINESS STATISTICS & MATHEMATICS BC 1.4 To be able to organize information systematically to interpret business and research problems. Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name] Zoom, Great Learning Olympus, Google Classroom
DSC COMPANY LAW BC 2.1 To be able to understand the relevance of laws through the various case studies. College Library [Yes/No] YES
DSC INCOME TAX LAWS AND PRACTICE BC 2.2 To be able to describe the basic concepts and definitions to evaluate the GTI and taxable income. Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name] Lecture Method, Discussion Method, Quiz Method Seminar, etc.
SEC COMPUTER APPLICATION IN BUSINESS BC 2.3 To be able to apply the knowledge of computers to solve practical problems.
DSC CORPORATE ACCOUNTING BC 2.4 To be able to recognize and understand the procedure of accounting in recording, classifying summarizing transactions in books of accounts.
DSC COST ACCOUNTING BC 2.5 To be able to distinguish the need for cost accounting
SEC E-COMMERCE BC 2.6 To be able to compare and understand E-Commerce over traditional Commerce.
DSC CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND AUDITING BC 3.1 To be able to recognize and understand the essence of business ethics and corporate governance in the corporate world
DSC FUNDAMENTALS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT BC 3.2 To be able to explain the concept and techniques of financial management
SEC ENTREPRENEURSHIP BC 3.3 To develop entrepreneurial attitudes and skills to find out their careers in the field of entrepreneurship.
DSC PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS BC 3.4 To develop economic thinking among students
DSC MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING BC 3.5 To be able to explain the importance of management as well as to apply management techniques in decision-making.
DSC INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS BC 3.6 To be able to recognize and understand various business organizations, agreements, and strategies and their importance at international levels.
SEC PERSONAL SELLING AND SALESMANSHIP BC 3.7 To develop critical thinking level and managerial skills.
GENERIC ELECTIVE INDIAN ECONOMY BC 3.8 To develop a comprehensive understanding of the Indian economy.
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COs 2023-24   Download

Introduction of Choice-Based Credit System 2013

  • To provide the best knowledge and skills to students in the field of commerce and management.
  • To develop life skills through value-based education
  • To link teaching & learning practices of commerce with a real-life situation.
  • To provide value and need-based education to empower employability.
  • To introduce Post Graduate Course
Course (UG and PG) (DSC/DSE/AECC/GE/SEC)Course NameCourse CodeCourse OutcomeCommon Teaching Methods
Type of MethodResponse
DSC FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING BC 1.1 To be able to recognize and apply the fundamental concepts of financial accounting to business needs. Chalk & Talk Method[Yes/No] YES
DSC BUSINESS ORGANISATION & MANAGEMENT BC 1.2 To develop management skills among the students ICT Tools [If Yes Give Name] YES PPTs
DSC BUSINESS LAW BC 1.3 To be able to identify relevant legal issues related to business. E-Resources [If Yes Give Name] Inflibnet, E-books, 
DSC BUSINESS STATISTICS & MATHEMATICS BC 1.4 To be able to organize information systematically to interpret business and research problems. Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name] Zoom, Great Learning Olympus, Google Classroom
DSC COMPANY LAW BC 2.1 To be able to understand the relevance of laws through the various case studies. College Library [Yes/No] YES
DSC INCOME TAX LAWS AND PRACTICE BC 2.2 To be able to describe the basic concepts and definitions to evaluate the GTI and taxable income. Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name] Lecture Method, Discussion Method, Quiz Method Seminar, etc.
SEC COMPUTER APPLICATION IN BUSINESS BC 2.3 To be able to apply the knowledge of computers to solve practical problems.
DSC CORPORATE ACCOUNTING BC 2.4 To be able to recognize and understand the procedure of accounting in recording, classifying summarizing transactions in books of accounts.
DSC COST ACCOUNTING BC 2.5 To be able to distinguish the need for cost accounting
SEC E-COMMERCE BC 2.6 To be able to compare and understand E-Commerce over traditional Commerce.
DSC CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND AUDITING BC 3.1 To be able to recognize and understand the essence of business ethics and corporate governance in the corporate world
DSC FUNDAMENTALS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT BC 3.2 To be able to explain the concept and techniques of financial management
SEC ENTREPRENEURSHIP BC 3.3 To develop entrepreneurial attitudes and skills to find out their careers in the field of entrepreneurship.
DSC PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS BC 3.4 To develop economic thinking among students
DSC MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING BC 3.5 To be able to explain the importance of management as well as to apply management techniques in decision-making.
DSC INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS BC 3.6 To be able to recognize and understand various business organizations, agreements, and strategies and their importance at international levels.
SEC PERSONAL SELLING AND SALESMANSHIP BC 3.7 To develop critical thinking level and managerial skills.
GENERIC ELECTIVE INDIAN ECONOMY BC 3.8 To develop a comprehensive understanding of the Indian economy.
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  VPO-Kanjian, Teh-Bhoranj, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh

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