Govt. College Bhoranj Tarkwari, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh

Co-Educational Institution, Affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University Shimla,
Accredited by NAAC, Ministry of HRD Govt. of India
GC Bhoranj

Code of Professional Ethics

Code of Professional Ethics prescribed/suggested by HP Government and Directorate of Higher Education, HP


The main purpose of education is to create skills, grasp knowledge, and spread awareness about our glorious national heritage. The values enshrined in our constitution lay stress on attaining a basic scientific outlook & commitment to the ideals of patriotism, democracy, secularism, socialism, and peace. Education should strive for academic excellence and progress of the arts and sciences in conformity with our national needs and priorities. The Code of Professional Ethics in the college provides a framework of principles to guide in discharging their obligations towards students, parents, colleagues and the community. Increased awareness of the ethical principles governing the teaching profession is essential to ensure ‘professionalism’ among teachers.



  • That every child has a fundamental right to education of good quality;
  • That every child has an inherent potential and talent;
  • That education should be directed to the all-round development of the human personality;
  • That the need for developing faith in the guiding principles of our polity, viz., democracy, social justice, and secularism;
  • That a need to promote through education the concept of the composite culture of India and a sense of national identity;
  • Teachers, being an integral part of the social milieu, share the needs and aspirations of the people;
  • The need to enhance the self-esteem of teachers;
  • That a need to organize teaching as a profession for which expert knowledge, specialized
  • Skills and dedication are prerequisites;
  • That the community's respect and support for the teachers are dependent on the teachers’ professionalism; and
  • That is the need for self-direction and self-discipline among members of the teaching community.

Code of Professional Ethics in the college is an attempt to provide direction and guidance to the teachers in enhancing the dignity of their professional work.

Obligations towards Students :

Teacher :

  • Treats all students with love and affection.
  • Respects the value of being just and impartial to all students irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, sex, economic status, disability, language, and place of birth.
  • Facilitates students’ physical, social, intellectual, emotional, and moral development.
  • Respect the basic human dignity of the child in all aspects of school life.
  • Makes planned and systematic efforts to facilitate the child to actualize his/her potential and talent.
  • Transacts the curriculum in conformity with the values enshrined in the Constitution of India.
  • Adapts his/her teaching to the individual needs of students.
  • Maintains the confidentiality of the information concerning students and dispenses such information only to those who are legitimately entitled to it.
  • Refrains from subjecting any child to fear, trauma, anxiety, physical punishment, sexual abuse, and mental and emotional harassment.
  • Keeps a dignified demeanour commensurate with the expectations from a teacher as a role model.

Obligations towards Parents, Community and Society :

Teacher :

  • Establishes a relationship of trust with parents/guardians in the interest of the all-round development of students.
  • Desists from doing anything derogatory to the respect of the child or his/her parents /guardians.
  • Strives to develop respect for the composite culture of India among students.
  • Keeps the country uppermost in mind, refrains from taking part in such activities as may spread feelings of hatred or enmity among different communities, religious or linguistic groups.

Obligations towards the Profession and Colleagues :

Teacher :

  • Strives for his/her continuous professional development.
  • Creates a culture that encourages purposeful collaboration and dialogue among colleagues and stakeholders.
  • Takes pride in the teaching profession and treats other members of the profession with respect and dignity.
  • Refrains from engaging himself/herself in private tuition or private teaching activity.
  • Refrains from accepting any gift, or favour that might impair or appear to influence professional decisions or actions.
  • Refrains from making unsubstantiated allegations against colleagues or higher authorities.
  • Avoids making derogatory statements about colleagues, especially in the presence of students, other teachers, officials or parents.
  • Respects the professional standing and opinions of his/her colleagues.
  • Maintains confidentiality of information concerning colleagues and dispenses such information only when authorized to do so.

Observance of the Code :

The difference between the Code of Conduct and the Code of Professional Ethics needs to be appreciated. The provisions that define the Code of Conduct could also be incorporated into the Code of Professional Ethics, as making them ethical provisions will always deter teachers from violating the Code of Conduct. Like all other professions, the teaching profession should also move towards self-regulation, which implies that every teacher should have the inner urge to adhere to the ethical principles listed in the Code of Professional Ethics for teachers. However, despite the expectation of the voluntary observance of the Code, some cases of violation of the Code or of partial adherence to it are likely to occur in the vast system of education. Therefore, a suitable mechanism needs to be evolved to ensure that all members of the profession follow the ethical principles enshrined in the Code. The violation of the Code of Conduct invites disciplinary action for which detailed rules are prescribed. However, in the case of violation of the Code of Professional Ethics by teachers, the responsibility to discipline them should rest with the authorized representatives of the profession. The magnitude or seriousness of the violation may not be the same in all cases. The cases of violation or non-observance shall have to be dealt with at different levels and in different ways by the nature of the violation. At the time of initial appointment, a teacher should be provided with a copy of the ‘Code of Professional Ethics’ for perusal and should be further required to furnish an ‘Oath’, before joining the profession that he/she would always strive to observe the ‘Code’ in letter and spirit.

Teacher’s Oath

I __________________________ son/daughter of____________________, solemnly declare that I shall always strive to raise the prestige and dignity of the teaching profession and shall not do anything which may affect the reputation of the profession adversely. I willingly bind myself to the observance of the ‘Code of Professional Ethics’, in letter and spirit to discharge a teacher’s obligations towards students, parents, community and society as enunciated in the Code.
Date: Signature
Name _________________
Address ________________
Ban on Knitting/Tailoring/Embroidery, bringing/Use of help books and ringing of cell phones in the classroom. The HP Govt. has imposed a complete ban on the following activities in the Offices/Institutions:—
1. Bringing of tailoring/knitting/embroidery material and allied work.
2. Use of help books/keys to textbooks in all its institutions.
3. Use of Radio/Transistors in the offices and institution is completely prohibited.
4. Teaching staff will not perform any tuition work either before or after college hours.
5. Ringing of cell phones in classrooms/school campuses.

  VPO-Kanjian, Teh-Bhoranj, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh

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